
Things to Learn from an NRP Certification Program

If you are a healthcare professional in a nursing home or a neonatal healthcare provider, you are well aware of the fragility of newborn lives. Many newborns thrive outside of their mothers' wombs, others struggle hard to live. In particular, prematurely delivered babies and the ones born with a life-threatening condition often have a relatively less survival chance. In this situation, candidates with knowledge of NRP can impart life-saving resuscitation to save their lives and avoid further complications related to their health issues.  Overview of NRP NRP is the abbreviated form of the Neonatal Resuscitation Program. It is a certified program to impart the most updated knowledge on the resuscitation of newborns. As one of the multiple-step programs, you may have self-study sessions followed by written tests and skills examinations. Once you pass the examination, you get the NRP certification.  What You Learn from NRP Certification Program  Whether you attend regular or online NRP